HP Indigo 20000

New possibilities in digitally printed flexible packaging

Last week Microbox Packaging labels & packaging organized s special event for customers at their head office in Nazareth (Belgium). During this three day long “Open House Flexibles”, customers could experience the new HP Indigo-20000 printing machines and the possibilities of digital film production. The visitors were unanimous regarding their opinion, “this was an inspiring event.”

Microbox Packaging labels & packaging invited Vivian Cohen, brands & creative manager at HP Indigo, as their keynote speaker. She has previous experience in helping big brands with their creative packaging an personalised promotions. “Today there are endless possibilities to stand out with your packaging. And this is not only for the big brands. Also for small companies, digitally printed film is an ideal tool to increase brand awareness with your target audience or to launch new products. After all, you can start with small quantities.”

Endless possibilities, no start-up costs

“I gained lots of ideas during the presentations”, told a product manager of a Belgian chocolate manufactures. “We want more brand awareness in Belgium and I see possibilities in digitally printed foil to develop something new for us. This has never been done around here.”

A CEO from a local Belgian co-packer was also enthusiastic. This offers possibilities to run tests without start-up costs. Our customers can also have a look at the printing machine itself and even make last minute changes. I see a positive future ahead.”

“Too bad my marketing colleague is not present today, because I thought it was a very successful and inspiring day”, judged a packaging expert form the Netherlands. “The digital printing of film and flexible packaging offers us as a company lots of potential”.

A look behind the scenes

Similar reactions were heard from Monique, a purchaser from a large production company in goats cheese, located in the Netherlands. “In our packaging we use folding cartons and labels but we do not have a lot of innovation. I really see the added value to try a specific promotion. Also the tour in the production site was very nice. What impressed me most was the tidiness of the working areas and the drive of the people working here.”

A cheese processer from Utrecht also visited Microbox Packaging. “I was planning to visit Microbox Packaging anyway and this was the perfect opportunity to do so. We have various projects together and now I am up-to-date about the capabilities of the HP indigo 20000. After the presentations of today I see possibilities to give the products of our own brand a special touch. We are definitely going to look into this.”

If you could not attend our Open House Flexibles and would like more information about digitally printed film and/or the possibilities of the HP Indigo 20000, please contact us as: info@stluc.be.

Realized with the support of: Flanders Investment & Trade.